Should you suffer an emergency, if you have a home or commercial insurance policy with us, check your policy as this may have emergency telephone numbers to cover certain situations. This can include help for things like roof or window damage, plumbing and power issues, security problems and suchlike which may be a risk to you or your home. We list some insurer emergency contact numbers here, but recommend you have your policy number to hand, as well as the name of your insurer.
In any case, if you suffer a loss or damage, please ensure that you take any necessary temporary steps to make your property secure and to prevent any further loss or damage occurring. In respect of any accidental losses away from the home or any theft, policies often stipulate that this should be reported to the police immediately.
Whilst we can offer no guarantees about what an insurer will pay for, we will always ask an insurer to consider paying the cost of any reasonable steps that have been taken to prevent further damage occurring that would normally be expected to be covered by your policy. This will not normally extend to any improvements you may make.
For example: