Staff from the Plymouth office at TH March spent another day volunteering at Woodside Animal Welfare Trust in Elfordleigh, Plymouth. The team helped with daily tasks, such as walking the dogs, animal enrichment and helping to clean the facilities. The animal centre was established after 1981 as a spaying and neutering program, then after being funded by the RSPCA, started housing animals.
The volunteers had a good day meeting and helping to care for animals such as Barnaby the Goat, as well as resident pups, who were more than delighted to have new friends to play with and take them on walks!
Well done to the Plymouth team for representing TH March and continuing to help with this worthy cause.
To read about other volunteering days at Woodside – click here
To read about what else TH March get up to, click here
To find out more about Woodside Animal Sanctuary and their cause, click here